
Elon Musk Fanboy Gets Worst Tattoo We’ve Ever Seen

And there it is, officially the worst tattoo I've ever seen in my lifetime.

I know we dunk on the billionaire quite a bit, but this thing. This takes the cake for sure. I'm trying to wrap my head around the thought process that that led to this tattoo. The face? Sure, if you're a diehard Elon Musk fan, go for it. The size? That's a massive face of someone else on your body forever. But to each their own.

Where they really lose me is the Ocean City Maryland boardwalk spray font. Is the idea that Musk has these tattoos? So it's a tattoo of a tattoo? But then the Twitter logo is in his hair. I realize I'm overanalyzing this. I'm just intrigued at how cringe this tattoo truly is.

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