
Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard Colorized Footage Is Out of This World

Updated, amazing footage that has been colorized of Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard.

Thanks to the incredible YouTube account Dream Dust, we get to see just what these two legendary scientists most likely looked like in full color. The footage of Albert Einstein signing off on the Leo Szlilard letter that would eventually be sent to President Franklin Roosevelt, has only been seen in black and white until now.

Thanks to Photoshop Neural Filters, this once bland footage now exists in full color. This particular video shows Albert Einstein agreeing that atomic power - should it be released - should be used for the good of humanity, and not for harm. We also get a clearer glimpse at Einstein's mannerisms as well as his personality. It's something special to see.

The letter drafted by Leo and signed off on by Albert would be the catalyst for the Manhattan Project and the first ever atomic bomb.

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