
Dudes Turn Mannequin Into Fake ‘Living Statue,’ Make $40 an Hour

If you’ve ever been to a major tourist destination, you’re likely familiar with the concept of a “living statue.” These are people who paint themselves to look like statues, then stand perfectly still for hours on end. For this, tourists pay them money.

Listen, I don’t get it, either.

As you might be able to tell, there’s one problem that makes this job unsustainable: the human. Humans need to piss, sit down, breathe — all things that get in the way of being a statue. So what if you just got rid of the human part entirely?

Well, these guys did that. They painted a mannequin, labeled it a “living statue,” then sat back to see who believed it. By the end, they’d made about $40 over the course of a single hour. Infinite money glitch discovered!

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