
Dudes Put a Jet Engine on a Tiny Truck

Recently, there’s been a growing trend of people importing Japanese Kei trucks to the U.S.

The reasons for this are pretty easy to understand. First, they look cool. Second, unlike many pickup trucks today, they’re designed to actually be used and not just to look tough in the parking lot of Walmart.

There’s just one problem with these little guys: They’re not built for fast speeds. Knowing this, these boys figured out an elegant solution — what if we just strapped a jet engine to the back of one of them?

The entire build is pretty amazing, but if you’re only interested in seeing a Japanese Kei truck try to drive with a jet engine on it, skip ahead to around 8 minutes and 30 seconds. I promise you, it doesn’t disappoint.

Tags: wow ftw diy funny lulz

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