
Dudes Love Taking Dick Pics With the Leaning Tower of Pisa

After years of men being asked to take photos of their partners on vacation, they have finally asked for the favor in return. Only they don't want golden hour sunset pics, or photos of them with toast, no, they want to see what their dick would look like if it were the Tower of Piza ( or what they'd look like if they were jerking one off).  

"Praying the algorithm shows me the results!" 

Sadly, the filmer behind the clip, @iamtaylahrose, only saw these men in passing and also wants to see the results, responding to the thousands of comments asking for them, "I hate to break the news. I do not have the photo.. these gentlemen I briefly met have it. We need the internet's help for this one." 

The official account for Nikon Europe even popped in the comments asking for the receipts, "Someone show us the results," alongside the laughing crying emoji. 



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