
Dude with Balls of Steel Backs off Somali Pirates Trying to Attack His Sailboat

This right here is the difference between having a gun and you know...not having a gun.

This dude was just sailing with some friends, trying to get some vitamin D, crushing brews with his boys. And who decides to show up? Somali Pirates. Do pirates have something against relaxation and fun?

Unfortunately the dude had to pause his Jimmy Buffet playlist, and literally break out the big guns. Around the 38 second mark, the man in the white t-shirt appears with a shotgun in hand. Talk about a baller move. Not a good day to be a Somali Pirate, I'll tell you that much.

Our hero empties 3 shells, and that seems to do the trick. The pirates want nothing to do with this Miller High Life-drinking motherf**ker. The Somalis quickly retreat.

Crank 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' up to 11 and get your drink on. You deserve it, sir. Suns out, guns out baby!
Categories: Ftw Wtf Wow Win

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