
Dude Tries to Launch Off Ramp, But the Ramp Isn’t Having It

This is why you test the strength of your ramp *before* you drive off it.

It’s an important step in the execution of any stunt: making sure all of the pieces of the thing work. If you, for example, plan to jump a motorbike over a bunch of buses, you’ve got to make sure that the bike works, that you have access to the buses, and of course, that you’re stupid enough to actually go through with the whole thing at the end of the day.

In this case, the group seemed to have remembered to get a working bike. Good for them. However, they forgot one crucial step: making sure that the ramp will stay a ramp if you drive up it. Let that bump on the head be a reminder that you should check for these things next time around!

Categories: Ouch Sports

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