
Dude Shows Off His "Final Boss" of a Beat-Up Van

When your girl tells you not to worry about a guy, she's probably talking about the owner of this God-tier DIY work van. With tricks and gadgets James Bond would be jealous of, videos of this van owner, posted by the TikTok account chudung0038, never disappoint in the ingenuity department. 

"Bro just found Elon Musk's new project," the TikTok user w.0481 commented. 

"Yeah, baby I got a Benz," jafelsbussyhair joked. "The Benz in question."

That comment references the van owner's obvious obsession with Mercedes-Benz, as both his key and DIY steering wheel rep the German luxury car manufacturer. But as with the Ship of Theseus, this van's original brand no longer matters.

"Don’t think this would pass inspection," @greyadjacent joked on Twitter. 

While this van is definitely real, most of the features shown in the video are not, including sound effects and the steering wheel. Still, the next time this van pulls up next to your girl, you better watch out. 


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