
Dude Shows Just How Much Food Walmart Throws Out When Its Freezers Go Down

“There’s already starting to be a slight smell.”

That’s what a Walmart employee had to say when standing in front of more than 25 shopping carts chock-full of food — all slated for the landfill. “Crazy, Walmart throwing away over 200k worth of food in one night,” @ImPickleRick408 captioned the TikTok post.

Bread, fresh produce, frozen dinners and tons of meat were among the menu items on their way to the dumpster. “Just an unfathomable volume of needless waste,” @JoshuaPHilll tweeted while sharing the video on Twitter.

The thing is, unlike other viral clips of unnecessary food waste from Walmart, Starbucks and other giant grocery and culinary outlets, this particular instance seemed unavoidable. “Trust me they don’t want to do it,” @Nomadlostdark commented. “A freezer or cooler must have gone out.”

Meanwhile, the TikToker rantdelish explained why the food can’t just go straight to a pantry or shelter. “First and foremost, this meat is not safe to consume,” she said. “It is a logistical nightmare. This is not something that a volunteer organization can make happen with just the snap of a finger.”

Like the employee said, the whole thing stinks.


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