
Dude Shows Couples How to Turn Cuddling Into Takedowns With Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Infamous Ninja is a TikToker and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitor who shows couples how to turn cuddling into takedowns in between his matches. Garnering millions of views and almost 250k followers, Infamous Ninja subverts your expectations with his rapid moves before you ever saw them coming.

Unlike many social media personalities who focus on self defense and combat sports, Ninja does not position himself as superior or unbeatable. To the contrary, he openly posts about tournaments, even when they don't go well. It's this honesty about the challenges of his craft that legitimizes the lightning moves he pulls on his canvas dummy.

When it comes to his love life, Ninja only simps for BJJ. While it looks like he has a wonderful relationship with his girlfriend, she no doubt has to compete with Jiu Jitsu for his heart. As one of his videos puts it, "Pros and cons of a BJJ boyfriend: constant choking." But judging by how much people love his videos, it's clear we all need a few more arm bars with our affection.


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