
Guy's Spot on Impressions of How Different Actors Run in the Movies

Impressions come in many different styles of impersonation, and varying qualities of the actual impression itself. There is definitely an endless supply of terrible impressions, but there is also a nice healthy sized collection of spot-on impressions. Bill Hader and Jay Pharoh are two celebrities who absolutely kill it at the impression game. Typically, impressions mimic speech, catchphrases or quotes, and sometimes the physical resemblance to the subject, or their mannerisms.

This guy decided to break the mold, shake it up, and do some impressions of how different actors run in movies or TV shows they were in. From Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey to Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), Phoebe from Friends (Lisa Kudrow) to Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) to even Jackie Chan, this guy definitely nailed the impressions he did. Honestly, I initially thought this video would be dumb, but this guy actually does a pretty impressive job at imitating the way these folks ran in their movies.

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