
Dude Installs Sprinklers to Stop People from Pissing on His Driveway

They wet his driveway, he wets their faces.

Living in a city, there’s an understanding that someone will, at one point or another, pee on your property. I’m not saying it’s good — frankly, I’d rather people not do it — but given how few public bathrooms there are in most urban areas, it’s understandable that someone might have a few beers, then feel the need to tinkle in your driveway.

This guy, however, wasn’t just dealing with one or two pissers a year. His driveway had effectively become a urinal, and so, he did what any self-respecting man would do: set up cameras and a motion-activated light/sprinkler system.

It may not stop the initial pissers, but at least you won’t get any repeat customers!


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