
‘Dude, I’m Not Intoxicated!’: College Football Player Suing Iowa Police after Blowing 0.00 Breathalyzer

A William Penn University student is suing three Iowa police officers including the city of Newton after he was wrongfully arrested in August of 2022. After body cam footage was released, it's pretty clear that wide receiver Tayvin Galanakis was not intoxicated the night of his arrest. After being questioned, taking a breathalyzer, and blowing zero, then being forced to perform field sobriety tests on the side of the road, Galanakis was placed in handcuffs.

Officers also asked if he remembered the last time he had smoked weed. Galanakis responded that the football team is tested for drugs every Friday and that he would be kicked off the team if he had been smoking weed.

The footage has since gone viral, and Galanakis has received an outpouring of support from the community. That's one reason he felt the need to pursue a lawsuit against the officers. "We've got a mess to clean up, and I feel like that's my job with the exposure I got."

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