
60 Seconds, 17 Ghost Peppers, 1 World Record

I would just pitch a tent in my bathroom at that point.

In November of 2021, a man named Gregory Foster from California ate 17 ghost peppers in one minute. He broke the Guinness World Record at that time and it just became official.

Gregory somehow, some way devoured 17 Bhut Jolokia chili peppers which are over a million scoville units. The record was set by eating (and swallowing) 17 peppers in 60 seconds.

But this isn't Gregory's first rodeo. Foster also holds the world record for eating 6 Carolina Reaper peppers in 8.72 seconds. It's no surprise that the pepper aficionado even dabbles in growing his own peppers.

The ghost pepper is considered to be one of the hottest peppers on the planet. Congratulations on the win, Gregory. I think it's safe to say you need to go stock up on some Charmin Ultra Soft...You're gonna need it, brother!
Categories: Ouch Ftw Wow Win

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