
Dude Gets Swatted While Taking a Shit at 7-Eleven and Refuses to Get Up

A man pooping in a 7-Eleven bathroom filmed himself getting confronted by a swat team, but instead of following their instructions, he decided to keep using the toilet.

The original video is part of a string of viral TikToks posted to an account called The insurrectionist, and has amassed almost 15 million views. “One more pinch!” he tells the cops when they ask him to stand up. “It’s almost there. Hold on, please... I’m not making it up, do you not smell my ass?”

Some people believe the clip is a prank, citing the officers' demeanors, and a gun that looks like a paintball gun. "Bro is holding a paint ball gun…" one commenter says. However, there are recent reports of a man barricading himself and starting a fire in a 7-11. There is also the viral 2018 story of a man who was accused of threatening to blow up a bathroom, but claimed he only meant with his poop. We could be looking at just another crappy misunderstanding.


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