
Dude Gets Kicked in the Head During Fight Over Pickleball

It’s the most athletic thing ever seen on a pickleball court!

Pickleball is a great sport if you’re really bad at sports. For those who are unaware, pickleball is tennis for people who don’t like walking more than a couple dozen steps. Not only is the sport easy, but it has the added benefit of being really boring to watch, making it difficult to receive widespread recognition as a “sport people don’t automatically laugh at you for playing.”

Still, some people really like to do it, and if that’s you, more power to you. However, some people like it a little *too* much, and like any asshole missing control in other areas of their life, they decide to take it out on other players.

For example, take a look at this guy, who let a minor on-court dispute become a kick to the head:


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