
TikTok Prankster Gets Arrested after Taking a Swim in an Aquarium Fish Tank

When the TikTok prankster and proud Wendy's employee Salvi decided to jump in a Doral Florida aquarium tank, it was not just him, but his freedom that went swimming with the fishes. 

"Gang s**t man, Wendy's s**t man!" he yelled while vaulting over the glass divider. Just moments later, he found himself in the back of a Doral Florida police car. 

"I mean duh, what did he think would happen?" merlinn commented. Seeing as there's only one way to get soaking wet in an aquarium, it's hard to imagine Salvi really believed he would get away with anything. 

"The fish called 911," Miles2 joked. 

Salvi typically creates content sarcastically glorifying working for Wendy's and also has a fake beef with anyone and anything McDonald's. But will getting arrested during his foray into non-fast-food stunts discourage him from continuing? 12.5 million views say it probably won't. 


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