
Dude Films Himself Ramming Police Cars Because ‘Jail Is Temporary’

He’s not wrong.

We all know my stance on police chases: don’t become a part of them. Even if you’re not a fan of the Boys in Blue, there’s no upside to driving away from the cops (and a whole lot you can lose). Unlike running, even if you get away in the moment, they have all of your vehicle’s information, meaning that if you speed away, you can say goodbye to ever being able to use your car in peace again.

The guy below knows this, but found himself in a police pursuit anyway. As a result, he decided to just say screw it and hit them. Of course, there’s a chance this is fake, but I can’t think of any other reason one would do this, and he seems genuinely pissed off. Real or not, it’s a bad idea!


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