
Budweiser Pulls Out All the Stops For Guy Who Won a Year's Supply of Beer

This dude films the delivery of a crap ton of beer, after his neighbor, wins a year's worth of free Budweiser.

Arriving with a police escort, and pulled by the iconic Budweiser Clydesdale horses, this has to be the most ornate beer delivery of all time. There are even Budweiser representatives who ask the cameraman to step aside and let the beer carriage pass. One comment asks, "How do they establish a year's worth?" It's an interesting question with very different answers depending on the person. "My year's worth might be different than someone else's year's worth," says another commenter.

The stash appears to be 21 visible cases tall, and about 10 cases deep. There could be more. If the cases are 30 racks, that's at least 6,300 beers, good for over 17 beers a day. If they're just 6-packs, then you're down to about 3.5 beers a day. It's up to you to decide if that will last you a year. Now if only Budweiser were good.

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