
Dude Sacrifices a June Bug to a Spider's Web to Watch It Get Mummified

When a dude decided he wanted to see an Eriophora Ravilla spider in action, he did so by ritualistically sacrificing a half-dead June bug.

After he threw the doomed insect into the web, the spider moved at lightning speed to grab it and wrap it up like an Egyptian mummy. The June bug never stood a chance. 

"That was fast," @realdavewest commented. 

"Little dude gave no quarter," @TheOnePsydburnz added.

The Eriophora Ravilla is an "orb weaver" spider; as demonstrated by its beautiful web in this clip. Amazingly, orb weaver spiders typically completely deconstruct their webs before sunrise, choosing to hunt small insect prey at night. Luckily for this one, it's done hunting for the time being. 

But unlike those Egyptian mummies, this June bug won't be around much longer to be discovered. 


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