
Man Caught Smearing Cheek Grease on Tesla

Diggin’ deep to send a message.

Tesla’s seen better days. The stock is collapsing, people are putting “I bought this before Elon went crazy” stickers on their cars, lots are being burned down and vandalized, and in general, the public enthusiasm for the car company isn’t great.

The cars themselves (apart from the Cybertruck) aren’t really the issue. The issue is with CEO Elon Musk’s cozy relationship with the present administration and his tendency to express his affection for crowds by throwing up a Roman salute.

Still, the company needs him, as casting him away risks their tanking their presently-much-too-high evaluation. And so, it looks like Elon’s here to stay — and anyone owning a Tesla might have some shit smeared onto their car. At least, that’s what happened here, where a guy got caught digging into his ass and smearing it on a Cybertruck.


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