
Drunk Driver In Pickup Cleanly Takes Out Historic Nantucket Fountain

Michael Holdgate, 55, of Nantucket has been arrested for driving his pickup truck directly into Nantucket's landmark Mainstreet fountain. 

Holdgate has been charged with drunk driving and negligent operation of a motor vehicle after his vehicle was found near the destroyed fountain. It's unclear if the hit was purposeful, as the security video doesn't show him trying to swerve out of the way, not even at the last second before the collision. 

Holdgate owns a local laundry mat on the island and is the husband of Nantucket Select Board chair Dawn Hill Holdgate. 

Ironically though, this isn't the first time the historic fountain has been run over by a drunk driver. The fountain has been hit by drivers a total of 13 times, the oldest dating back to January 1944, though it is unclear how many of those drivers were drunk. 

So if anything, Holdgate's crash is just another incident in a long and storied history of drunk Nantucket residents trying their best to remove this fountain from their island. Let's see if it lasts this time, though it's doubtful. 


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