
Drunk Driver Crashes Right Into Couple’s Living Room

People are really having a hard time staying on the road lately.

From that one woman who crashed into a Mexican restaurant, to the elderly woman who drove through the window of a gym, to that teen who sent his car straight into a Dunkin’, many people seem to need a reminder that inside a building is not a place for cars, garages excluded.

Last week, a couple got to deliver this message to a driver firsthand. While sitting in their living room, their pleasant evening was interrupted by an 18-year-old who is alleged to have been driving under the influence. By “interrupted,” I mean the kid drove his car straight through the couple’s goddamn house.

Thankfully, everyone is okay, dogs included. For all those tipsy drivers out there, remember this half-rhyme for the future: If there’s a wall in the road, you’re in someone’s home. 

Categories: Wtf Facepalm

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