
Drunk Dude Spears His Bro Into a Bonfire

Depending on the situation, letting your intrusive thoughts win can come back to burn you in the ass

That's exactly what happened when a drunk dude trying to jump over a bonfire got speared by his buddy, landing both of them square in the blaze. 

"That's gotta be attempted murder," @dawnyredd commented. Other viewers also felt that the tackle warranted more reaction than standard drunk shenanigans.

According to the original clip's owner zacharyallencra, the video was removed from TikTok for violating community guidelines. Unfortunately, he also declined to provide any update on the incident's aftermath.

But while many people felt like the spear was malicious, one viewer felt differently. 

"At first watch, I thought he did this on purpose," @KingAmis_ commented. "But after watching a few times, it looks like there was a miscommunication (probably drunk lol) and they ran into each other."

Judging by the human self-preservation instinct, this seems a likely explanation. Either way, hopefully, both dudes remained mostly un-burned.


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