
Lifeguard Uses Drone to Rescue Drowning Kid

What was almost certainly this kid's last day on planet earth became the first day of the rest of his life after being dropped a lifejacket by a "lifeguard drone."

The kid, who remains unidentified, was swimming off the coast of Valencia, Spain when the powerful ocean waves and strong undercurrent swept him out to sea and battered him, leaving him exhausted and unable to swim ashore. After spotting the kid struggling to stay above water, the drone operator flew out a life jacket in a maneuver complicated by the large waves.

In the video, we see the kid manage to grab ahold of the lifejacket and inflate it, giving him just enough respite to keep his head above water while awaiting a physical rescue team. After being saved from the waves and brought ashore by a team of lifeguards, the boy was reportedly taken to a hospital where he survived.

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