
Drake, A 38-Year-Old Man, Hit an “uWu” for His Birthday

He’s really not beating those allegations.

Drake is a living sign that money not only doesn’t buy taste, but sense. Over and over again, he has made some of the dumbest and most questionable decisions a celebrity can make, from giving “boy advice” to a 14-year-old Millie Bobby Brown to telling a bizarre story about how he, spiritually, has massive tits.

While Kendrick rightfully pointed out just how wrong all of this was in a series of devastating diss tracks, he really couldn’t capture just how cringe the man is. Speaking to that point, Drake recently celebrated his 38th birthday. In celebration of the occasion (or possibly a month prior, it’s embarrassing either way), he did an “uWu” for the camera while in the studio.

Jesus, man — this would be bad even if you were a teen yourself, not just an adult trying to DM them.   

Categories: Facepalm Cringe

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