
Dozens Injured After Ride Malfunctions and Free Falls to the Ground

Following a joyride mishap in Mohali on Sunday night, more than a dozen carnival attendees sustained injuries. According to a video going viral online, the attraction in question was built to launch a group into the air before spinning them around and lowering them back to the ground.  Something went wrong as the group falls to the ground, sending dust flying and forcing onlookers to abandon the ride as it crashes to the ground.

According to The Indian Express, upwards up 16 people were injured in the accident, a group made up of mostly women and children. "We saw people falling from the swing when it went up. There were children and women sitting in it," a witness told the daily. The Tribune adds that the ride was approximately 80 feet high and ambulances were not present to help transfer those injured to the hospital. That left bystanders to rush those to nearby hospitals, where at least five were admitted per sources. Injuries reported by the paper include neck, abdominal, and back pain.
Categories: Ouch Wtf Facepalm Fail

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