
Woman Messes with a Sleeping Buck, Gets the Horns

Doorbell cams serve two very important purposes – bolstering home security and catching crazy shit on video. Here we have a prime example of the latter. The following doorbell cam footage depicts a tense altercation between a family and a deer that occurred.

In Evanston, Wyoming, Wanda Kaynor headed out her front door, ready to leave, when she happened upon a stag. Mule deers can be quite territorial, and unfortunately for her, that territory happened to be directly in her path.

One of her dogs ran at the deer and was nearly skewered. Acting on instinct, she blitzed the majestic creature to protect her dog, provoking an attack. The buck charged at her antlers first, goring her in seven places and knocking her to the ground, causing a crushed vertebra in her spine. Her husband, Daniel, then rushed to her aid. Wanda was reportedly hospitalized following the freak incident and is now recovering.

As for the stag – he was euthanized by the Wyoming Fish and Game, as per protocol.
Categories: Facepalm Wow Epic Fail

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