
Dog Adds One More Poop To His Already Shit Covered Roof

Mustering up the energy to take your dog for a walk to relieve itself can be a daunting task, and one homeowner came up with a particularly crappy workaround. 

As filmed by a neighbor, the house's black lab mix walks through an open upstairs window, and onto an already poop-filled roof. After struggling to even find a clear space, the dog eventually squats down and craps

"One heavy rain and the stank will grow," swiftjesus19 commented on the video. 

It's unclear whether or not the homeowner is aware of what one Redditor called "shingle shitting," but watching the poop roll down the sloped roof and into a storm drain makes it hard to believe that nobody is smelling dog dung.

"If someone is making their dog do this," one viewer commented on Reddit, "it’s likely because they can’t properly care for their dog." Other people even claimed animal abuse. 

No dog should be forced to poop exclusively on a roof, and no neighbor should be forced to smell it. This is the definition of a shitty neighbor.

Categories: Eww Wtf Animals & Nature

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