
Does This New Audio Show That Lyndon Johnson Ordered a Hit on JFK?

Oliver Stone…vindicated?

There are plenty of reasons to be suspicious of the JFK assassination. No matter what theory you believe, most people can admit that something was decidedly amiss about the whole thing, from Lee Harvey Oswald mysterious defection to (and return from) the Soviet Union to the incredible path the bullets took to (allegedly) get from Oswald’s gun to the President’s skull.

One of the more, uh, *interesting* theories put forward about JFK’s assassination was that it was ordered by then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. Famously depicted in the film JFK, this theory suggests that Johnson may have ordered JFK to be assassinated due to his desire to pull troops out of Vietnam.

While it does now seem like JFK was trying to pull troops out of Vietnam, there wasn’t a lot of actual evidence to suggest that this was enough to spur the deep state into having his brains blown out. Well, now there’s a new tape going around in which Billie Sol Estes appears to allege that Johnson hired Malcolm Everett "Mac" Wallace to kill President Kennedy.

Was he being metaphorical? Are any of these people to be believed? Who the hell knows, but it sure is a fun new wrinkle in the case.

Categories: Wtf Conspiracy Theories
Tags: wow wtf history jfk

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