
'Do You Want Me to Show My Behind?': Hospital Karen Threatens to Moon Staff

While No Cap Con was in a hospital waiting room following a car accident, he filmed a Karen meltdown for the ages. Screaming at the top of her lungs, this Karen threatens to moon the emergency room staff, and tells a worker, "You can take your foot, and shove it up your own goddamn ass!"

In a part 2 video, No Cap Con describes the lead-up and after math of the incident. Apparently, she was there to see her father in the emergency room, but was asked to wait a few minutes for a nurse to chaperone her to him, due to overcrowding issues at the hospital. This set her off, and No Cap Con claims that the incident finished with a few off camera remarks filled with racial undertones. Meanwhile, he claims to be recovering from the accident on pain meds, but his car is in worse condition.
Categories: Wtf Facepalm Wow Karens

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