
Disneyland Paris Employee Steals Ring to Shut Down Marriage Proposal

A Disneyland Paris employee decided against allowing a couple to go through with their proposal. Standing on a gated-off platform, the employee rushed in to swoop the ring away from the man on his knee, and whisk it down the stairs. "Yes that's great, but over here it's going to be even better" he said before giving it back, all while a crowd of onlookers booed profusely. 

"Is Paris still the city of love after this?" one person commented. Nobody could agree. "Should have just given them that moment," one person said. "Idc about the rules, whenever there’s a restricted area the rules are thrown out the window for a singular minute if it's for a proposal," another person agreed. "The rule is: Don't go to Disneyland," a third person retorted. 

While it would have been nice to allow the proposal, it is understandable that an employee would feel compelled to uphold rules they've been told to. As usual, the real villain is Disney.


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