
Disaster: HVAC System Collapses Into Indoor Pool at Gaylord Rockies Resort

"Just trying to take a nice dip in the pool."

That's the unassuming caption over a harrowing video showing the aftermath of a roof HVAC system collapse at the Gaylord Rockies Resort indoor pool in Aurora Colorado. The collapse left multiple people injured, including two in critical condition. There were reportedly between 50 and 100 people in the pool at the time of the accident, including children. 

"I can smell the lawsuit," @DomoLover15 commented on the video. 

"Pumping raw sewage in on top of it all," @BigJohns1982 added. "Gotta love Denver."

The resort is owned by Ryman Hospitality Properties, with rooms operated by Marriott. Because the resort is private property, the city of Aurora has stated that it will not pursue an investigation. "It is the property owner's sole responsibility to address ongoing maintenance and operations issues on the property," the city said in a statement. "Consequently, it is the property owner's responsibility to conduct a thorough investigation." 

Hopefully, all victims of this accident can make a full recovery, and receive substantial compensation.

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