
David Blaine Blows Jimmy Fallon's Mind By Eating a Bowl of Nails

David Blaine has been known to do some pretty wacky things in the past, and his recent segment on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon was no different. Having taken a break from the public spotlight for a while, David Blaine came back with a flourish for the always impressionable Fallon, doing a card trick that involved the host smashing his hand down onto a vanishing nail.

Blaine finished off the act by toeing the line of disbelief, horror, and magic that he has always mastered, and ate the majority of what seemed to be a bowl full of real nails. The finale was the tried and true "spit a frog out your mouth." It was great to see Blaine return to the spotlight with a great segment, (not that we were expecting anything else), and here's to hoping he'll keep wowing us with his logic defying stunts for a long time to come.

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