
Dave Chappelle Predicted Pepé Le Pew Getting Removed from 'Space Jam 2'

In the lead up to Space Jam 2, people are remembering that Warner Bros. decided to exclude Pepé Le Pew because he seems like too much of a sexual predator.

The same people who are crying about the de-sexualization of Lola Bunny also claim that Pepé's absence is a result of the same "cancel culture" mentality they believe is ruining the U.S.

However, the problems with Pepé were known a long time ago. Dave Chappelle even pointed them out in a stand-up special in 2000, so this is something Warner Bros. has been aware of for a while.

And if anyone's really surprised about this, they should ask themselves when was the last time they saw Pepé. He was supposed to have his own movie, but after the writer of that movie was found out to have sexually assaulted women, the project was rightfully canned.

No one needs to miss Pepé. He's better off as one of those weird childhood memories we'll eventually forget.

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