
Daughter Pranks Mom with Fake Christmas Card from a Made Up Family

Rachel (TikTok: @crabrangoonfanatic) pranked her parents hard with a fake Christmas card. She wrote an elaborate note from a completely fictional family and sent it to her own address. She then recorded her mom’s reaction as she read it.

To make the card more believable, Rachel incorporates a reference to a funny memory the families supposedly shared five years back, information only someone with access to her family’s socials would be able to ascertain, and a loose invitation to make plans to see each other soon. The hook: a $200 Williams-Sonoma gift card. Now Mom has to figure out who the hell “Jen, Tom, and the Boys” are.

She’s so stumped she inducts her husband as a second sleuth on the case.
Categories: Facepalm Funny> Pranks

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