
Douche Films His Date Who Dares Ask for Food for Her Kids

First date etiquette can become a controversial subject, especially when it comes to who pays for what, when, and where.

This prospective couple have already stumbled into an argument, as she wants him to pay for a few extra meals to bring home to her children. The extra meals, she claims, are restitution for his tardiness to the date. While this argument takes place, the waitress is caught in the middle of contradicting requests, although she ultimately begins siding with the woman. While springing the extra meals doesn't seem like the best move, the man admits to being 1.5 hours late, which is simply unacceptable for a first date. It's possible she has already made her decision, and just wants to get her money's worth. Not to mention that the man's apology just consists of offering to take her on another date. Not going to cut it. In his defense however, steak does seem like overkill for younger kids.

The only party we'll side with here is the waitress, who's chosen to support women, drama, and making money for the restaurant.
Categories: Facepalm Fail

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