
Florida Man Claims Self-defense, After Firing 11 Rounds Through His Windshield

A Florida man has been arrested and is facing serious charges after his own dashcam captured him firing 11 rounds from inside his car at a car he was engaged in "road rage" with. The incident took place on the I-95 freeway in Florida, and thankfully no injuries were reported.

The 30-year-old man seen in the video has been identified by police as, Michael Phillip Popper of Deerfield Beach.

Popper told police that he started firing out of self-defense, as he believed the person in the other car had a weapon.

The two cars were swerving into each other's lanes, and apparently, the car Popper opened fire on, didn't have a gun, but the driver of the vehicle did throw a water bottle at Popper's car. The shooting took place on June 21, 2021, and the footage has only now been released to the public. And what it shows is both terrifying and insane. Is Florida really so dangerous that you need to carry a gun with you at all times? This is as scary as it is embarrassing.

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