
Washington Defenders Scuffle on Sideline During Embarrassing Loss to Dallas

During the Dallas Cowboys' absolute routing (56-14, final) of the Washington Football Team on Sunday, December 26, 2021, defensive players Jonathan Allen and teammate Daron Payne got into a heated argument that resulted in some hands being thrown and both players needing to be separated for the rest of the game.

Payne and Allen - who also played together in college at Alabama - were seen arguing on the bench, when Payne decides to stand up and poke at Allen's head. That gesture was poorly received and Allen gets up to swing at Payne. When asked about the incident afterwards, both players characterized it as a brotherly fight, the kind of thing that can happen when highly competitive people get frustrated with a bad loss.

Washington has had a bad go of it lately, losing several games in a row and also losing several players to injury/COVID-19. Head coach Ron Rivera says he had private conversations with both players, understood their frustration, and will not be taking any disciplinary action.
Categories: Wow Sports

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