
Customer Spots a Slimmer, New Card Skimmer at 7-11

An eagle-eyed customer, while cruising through his local 7-11, made a startling discovery: an extra-slim, hard-to-spot card skimmer stuck to the card device just licking its lips at the idea of swallowing your card information whole.

While card skimmers are far from new, technology -- being a double sword -- has made them sleeker, harder to spot, and terrifyingly easy to install. Oftentimes, store clerks and cashiers have no idea that a new skimmer has been installed on their card reader. It can, as the following report on the above clip shows, be only a matter of mere seconds.

Unfortunately, it's BS like this that catches people unaware far too often; as technology advances, everyday people have to be more vigilant of how their information can be stolen and ways they can protect themselves from scammers and opportunists. Something as easy as an extra glance or cursory tug at the card reader can save you time, money, and a whole lot of hassle. Stay safe!

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