
'That's Too High': Overzealous Stage Diver Faceplants after Crowd Refuses to Catch Him

If you're going to attempt a stage dive, you should probably make sure that the crowd wants to catch you. Unfortunately, shouts of "No" and "Too high" fell on the deaf ears of this overenthusiastic fan at a Ski Mask the Slump God concert, who found a face full of dirt in place of a sea full of hands. 

Ski Mask the Slump God was opening for Wizkid and Stormzy at the Openair Frauenfeld Fest in Switzerland and had just finished performing his Juice World collaboration "Nuketown" when he invited a fan on stage. Ski Mask allegedly encouraged the fan to jump off the abnormally high stage, also unaware that the crowd below was in no mood to catch a human from such a height. 

"Honestly, I blame him," Polina commented.

"No way I'm trying to catch someone coming at me that fast," @brinkofsanity3 agreed. 

Fortunately, the fan stood up quickly after his graceful fall, and appeared to only suffer minor injuries. Hopefully, he's learned a physics lesson in gravity. Or, as @cinder put it, 

"Crowd diving rule: If they're all holding phones, they're not catching you."


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