
Mom Criticized for Cringey TikTok Dances During Son's Hospitalization

TikToker Whitney Leavitt (@whitleavitt) caught a lot of online flak for a recent video she posted of herself doing various TikTok dance moves while explaining why her baby is in the hospital.

The video drew a lot of attention online and invited a flood of angry and confused comments by people who couldn't understand how this mom thought this was in good taste. On the other hand, plenty of people also stuck up for her, saying that people process things in their own ways and she's trying her best to be positive and there isn't much else she can medically do anyway.

For what it's worth, if the goal was to draw attention to the baby's condition, this video certainly seems to have achieved that. We live in a world where savvier media users can easily leverage the power of the 'rage-click' to get their content seen, so it could well be that that's what happened here.

What we CAN say for sure is that the baby is very cute, and we hope he gets better soon.

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