
Criminal Baddie Leads Police on High-Speed Chase, Steals Hearts of Millions

18-year-old Felicity Hughes of Camarillo, California went viral over the weekend after the internet got its hands on her arrest footage, which was quickly shared to the MugShawtys Instagram page. 

Ms. Hughes crashed into a patrol car after an hour-long police chase and was charged with one count of Felony Evading. 

Many people in the comments joked that they'd be able to "fix her" and that she "crashed right into my heart." Other roasts included "Taylor Drift" – a reference to the second film in the Fast and Furious franchise Tokyo Drift.  

While the thirst simps in the comment sections won't be getting visitation rights anytime soon, the best part of having a para-social relationship with a hot criminal is that you don't have to let her drive your car. 

Categories: Facepalm

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