
Crazy Old Dude Builds a Rocket Powered Go-Kart

Bob Maddox is a bit of a madman genius. He proves that you're never too old to have fun and be a badass while doing it! Similar to Bob Lazar's jet-powered honda which garnered him so local fame, Bob has built several iterations of jet-powered "toys", for lack of a better word but this one clearly takes the cake.

Known by friends and family as "the Rocketman", Bob Maddox enjoys showing off his Triple Valveless jet kart aptly named the "beast". This custom-made Kart is one of the most advanced Pulsejet karts featuring an instant starting system that uses a combination of injected propane mixed with injected diesel. The kart has a full range of throttle and speeds, Bob has gotten this bad boy up to 90 miles an hour which you know is pretty damn fast if you have ever ridden on or drove a go-kart before. It's nice to see something that people love doing bring them so much pure joy, as you can see written all over his face as he cruises along.

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