
Watch a Cow Bloated With Methane Getting Drained of Its Farts

Nothing hurts more than a bloated stomach; and wiggling around until that godly burp of relief hits you can be a daunting task. Don't you wish you could just stick something inside of you and let that air out? Well you can't unfortunately, because you're not a cow. 

According to @O_Villarreal, any animal with a rumen "may over eat which causes the rumen to bloat." That bloating can be deadly in certain scenarios, prompting instant action when possible. In this case, a syringe needle spouting literal fire. 

"That probably hurts so good," the fantastic twitter account @dontdickthat_ commented. 

"A bloat torch," @TheMikeMorton called the device. 

Even in such a short clip the release of pressure is palpable, and probably feels even better than peeing at the movie theater, or after a long car ride.

Now if only I could get one of those the next time I over eat at Taco Bell...


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