
Uvalde Police Halt Parents from Trying to Save Their Kids

Instead of trying to stop the active shooter, police officers began detaining frantic parents.

As more details are released about the tragic mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, we're getting a deeper look into what actually happened that day.

A video which was posted to Twitter has now gone viral. It shows parents in a chaotic panic, with multiple people being detained by police for apparently trying to charge the school and get to their children. There are also alleged reports that police went into the school to save their OWN children, but refused to take down the shooter.

Parents can be seen here pleading with authorities, trying to get into the school. Why the police were so concerned with taking a parent to the ground with tasers, and not going after a mass murderer with a gun is beyond me. But what do I know? What a time to be alive. If you're lucky.

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