Cops Called for "Body in the Trunk," But It's Just a Woman's Wig
If you don't want the cops showing up at your house, it might be best to avoid having a bunch of hair hanging out of the trunk of your car. Otherwise, somebody might assume that there's a body stashed in there.
Unfortunately, two police officers knocked on this unsuspecting woman's door for exactly that reason. But much to everyone's relief, the answer was far less incriminating.
"We got a call, somebody was concerned," the officer told her. "Are you like a hair stylist or something?"
"Oh my Jesus," she exclaimed. "Oh, that's my wig!"
The subsequent laughter from all involved was equal parts humor and relief.
"That went from “homicide” to 'Oh my wig!' real quick," Lina commented.
The woman quickly ran to grab her car keys, with one officer eager to show her the suspicious visual.
Thankfully, everyone involved handled the situation perfectly. Not every 911 call goes as well.