
Cops Arrest Stalker Who Put GPS Tracker In Girl’s Car

Technology makes our lives better and easier in countless ways. On the flip side of that, it can also be used by people with bad intentions to steal your identity, hack your accounts, and even track your whereabouts. This woman found that out after some guy who she allegedly knew and might have been involved with at one point, put a GPS tracker on her vehicle.

Officer Sutton responded to a call in reference to suspicious activity from a caller who stated she was being followed by a friend. She explained that the suspect had a history of contacting her despite her requests to stop. Earlier that day, she told Officer Sutton that the suspect had called her and admitted to following her all day using a GPS tracker he had placed on her vehicle. He had said he felt bad about it and wished to remove the tracker. He had asked her to meet him at a gas station. At that point, she called 911.


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