
Escaping Suspect Absolutely Obliterates Cop Car With Hummer

A police officer in Waterbury, CT had one hell of a day when a 25-year old woman, wanted in connection with a string of local burglaries, realized that the fastest way around the officer's cruiser was through the officer's cruiser.

Hannah Casperson of Brookfield was no stranger to tussling with the law; she was wanted by multiple police departments when the officer spotted her vehicle, "blocked her in" with his cruiser and attempted to make an arrest. Casperson, however, had other ideas, and slammed the accelerator, battering the officer's cruiser like a castle gate with her hummer and smashing her way free.

Casperson led police on a chase all the way to the nearby town of Monroe where she struck another police cruiser before, finally, wrapping her hummer around a utility pole. She was arrested immediately, though authorities declined to elaborate on what charges specifically -- only that the incident was under an active investigation by "multiple agencies."

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