
'Flirty' New Text-to-Speech Software Actually Pretty Impressive

Can't wait until this gets used to trick me into a call about my car's extended warranty.

The world of computer-generated voices has come a long way since I was a kid. Those early prototypes of text-to-speech programs were extremely clunky and sounded very much like a robot. Since then, we've been able to get a little bit more advanced and create voices with a few different inflections so that they sound a little bit more natural with programs like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. TikTok also recently added some new voice types including a truly disturbing one that sounds like an impatient New York City construction worker.

A company called Sonantic is now working to create truly realistic-sounding computer-generated voices that can be edited to have a wide range of believable human expressions, and it's kind of wild.
Here's a little more information on how the software actually works:

The software has actually been used extensively in gaming by Obsidian Studios, the creative force behind the wildly popular 'Outer Worlds' game.

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